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May 28, 2004

Muscle Baby

two_girlies_small.jpgMolly's physical progress has been steady and her personality continues to develop. She responds to our expressions and sounds, and since we've stopped giving her iron supplements, her crying has subsided from "Panic!" to "Attention!" level. She's able to be consoled most of the time and appears much more content for longer periods of time. Thank heavens!

She mostly sleeps through the night, although the stream of sounds she emits as she sleeps is constant and humorous to say the least. A sample: "unh," "blahk," "wunnn," "kack," "phhhhhhhh," "gunck," "choo," "gaat."

The most significant change for me, besides her weight, has been her strength. Her little body, which before had been soft and pliable, is now becoming a little bundle of very strong muscles, able to pull toys toward herself and resist a clothing change very effectively. She's not wasting any time leaving the title "premie" behind.

New pics

Posted by tat at May 28, 2004 10:19 AM

hey girl. i wish u had of given me a call. mom just told me about the website. im glad that u r doing so well. talk to u later.

love yall

Posted by: Arron at June 7, 2004 05:02 PM