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July 26, 2006


I'm going to move one more time in my life. It's all over but the unpacking and cleaning, which anyone will tell you takes the most effort, but you get to spread it over a longer period of time. You actually empty the last box right before you move again.

Zoe is growing and gassy, making her fun for an hour, then grumpy for an hour. But overall she's a breeze compared to Molly's first few months. I don't lie awake at night wondering if Zoe is breathing (mostly because she's in her cradle grunting and sighing and making other baby noises all night).

It's quite an adjustment living this far out in the country, mostly in how you manage your trips into town and how important footwear becomes when I check on things that go bump in the night. One cool thing is there are animals everywhere--turtles, rabbits, squirrels. A deer was eating grapes off a tree in the front yard at daybreak the other day. You don't see that in the Metroplex.

I've added a lot of pictures, which have been long in coming because of the move. I'll be more diligent about posting now that we've (somewhat) settled in.

Pics (scroll down)

Posted by tat at 04:14 PM | Comments (1)

July 07, 2006

New Email

My swbell.net email address will be going away shortly. I can now be reached at:

tatamongus (at) gmail.com

Of course, replace the (at) with @ and everything will be dandy.

My address will be:

11222 East Highway 103
Huntington, Texas 75949

That's right about here.

Posted by tat at 06:19 AM | Comments (1)