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June 18, 2004

Summer School

I'm teaching sophomore English in summer school for the first time this year, and boy, am I getting an education. The day starts at 7:30 and ends at 12:45, with only two ten minute breaks during the day. That's obviously very demanding not only on the students, but on me to generate daily lessons that fill the equivalent of a week during the regular school year. To make things more interesting, the class is populated by, shall we say, challenging students, some of whom seem to have been in jail as much as school. To wit:

When asking for volunteers to read sentences during a grammar exercise, I tried to encourage the quiet students to read by making up silly limitations on who could volunteer, such as only blonde males or black guys wearing blue. You know, just to throw curve balls at them. Well, one kid threw a curve ball back at me when I said the next student to read must not have a tattoo.

The kid raised his head, looked slowly around as if trying to find someone, and said, matter-of-factly, "Mister, we all have tattoos."

Posted by tat at June 18, 2004 07:27 PM


you're brave.

Aunt Susan

Posted by: Susan at June 18, 2004 11:26 PM

We love the Mollycam photo @ 4:06 today!! Molly Elizabeth is looking active with her whale & she is beautifull. Thank you Denise for your wonderful & faithfull care of our granddaughter.
Happy First Father's Day to you Bryan (strong)Mathew (the Lord's Gift). Your name is who you are to us & now will be to Molly.
Love & hugs to each of you "champions".
Nana & Pawpaw Davis

Posted by: Nana T at June 20, 2004 07:18 PM

just to let you know roam was not built in a day. so keep your nose to the grind stone. and take good care of that beautiful famile of yours we hope to see you all easter when we vist c@j j .so keep upthe hard work .

Posted by: ernest hare at July 23, 2004 06:34 AM