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February 19, 2006

Kinky Proposal

You can help make this the most interesting governor's race in Texas history. Kinky Friedman--writer, singer, jewish cowboy--wants to be your governor and needs your help. He needs a lot of signatures in a short time from registered voters who DON'T vote in the primaries. With Texas Democrats a joke, I have no problem helping throw a monkey wrench into the system by not only signing Kinky's ballot petition, but actually working for it.

He's short on issues, but the ones he professes are dear to me. Besides, someone this funny can only be an improvement over Governor Goodhair. Help the governor be Kinky this year: DON'T vote in the primaries, SIGN the petition beginning March 8th, WATCH the celebration begin.

Why the hell not?

Posted by tat at February 19, 2006 04:09 PM

I LOVE that man! I've seen several interviews with him - he's crazy but down-to-earth and LOGICAL! He just might bring common sense back to government. I esp. love the fact that he runs a dog rescue. :) Seriously - I'm psyched you're getting involved - I told my sister about Kinky and she had never even heard of him, and she lives in Houston! I know more about him and I live in CA - so you guys need to get the word out! If I could vote in Tx I would. :)

Posted by: Deb taranik at March 1, 2006 09:32 PM