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February 20, 2004

Molly Moves to Progressive

As I write this, Molly is being moved to Progressive ICU. She was deemed healthy enough that she no longer needs the super-intensive NICU care. Things are happening weeks faster than I ever dared to hope, and this is the ultimate achievement for our six-day-old.

To give you a sense of perspective, the baby next to Molly has been in NICU, on a ventilator, for five months. Molly's progress is phenomenal.

New nickname for Molly from another nurse: "firecracker" She's gonna be a handful.

More pictures tonight.

Posted by tat at February 20, 2004 12:59 PM

Love and mental health goes a long way! You guys did this together. Way to go! :)

We are so happy to hear the latest news!!

Deb & Nik T.

Posted by: Deb Taranik at February 20, 2004 02:07 PM