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February 15, 2004

Molly at 32 Hours

Nothing can prepare you for your child's birthday. I quite truthfully feel like a month has passed since 6am yesterday. A small army of people has passed through my reality, and too much information has seared my neurons. A little life flung herself into the world despite all that modern medicine could do to prevent it, and in the process wrung every emotion possible from her mother and me. Nothing happened the way it was planned, but everything happened in the only way it could. How beautiful and magical life is.

Wow, wow, wow. Welcome to the world, Molly.


Posted by tat at February 15, 2004 09:28 PM

We are on a sphere, covered mostly with water, spinning through space. It is out of our hands.
I hope she has a wonderful, long life.

I hope she gives you grandchildren.

I hope all of you have a great life.
Even Deb.

Good Bye.

Posted by: Trickhorn at February 15, 2004 09:57 PM

You guys are in our thoughts, Bryan! We send our love across the miles... hug and hold yourselves for us as we would, if we were there. We love you guys from the bottoms of our hearts.

Thank you Trickhorn. Best of luck to you as well! :)

Posted by: Deb Taranik at February 15, 2004 10:01 PM